Blue October – I Hope You’re Happy Review

Released on: 17th August 2018

Houstons’ Blue October welcome their ninth studio album into their twenty-two year old discography. Which means it has been had a year since the age restriction on alcohol has been void and two tracks in they have already caused a accident. That accident is love mes compadres. Love. And this album, even through its bittersweet maudlin, is a lovely work of art.

Although I Hope You’re Happy is primarily a rock album it often ventures out of that comfort zone and into more popular territories, like hip-hop and rhythm and blues. While mixing them with soft rock and a smidgen, an eentsy weentsy bit, of industrial which makes for a very diverse and eclectic collection of songs. And holistically these songs are all interesting on their own merits. While also each being wholesome and mellow but thoughtful and deep.

The eclectic nature of I Hope You’re Happy assists in proving the maturity of the band. As the songs retaining the vitality of youthful escapades while also holding dear wisdom amidst their echoy riffs and thoughtful lyrics. Suffice to say this is Dad rock at its finest. And the slow pace of the album implies that there is more to be heard among the precise cacophony of reverie. Which there is, especially when soft synthetic orchestrations augment the emotional intent of the riffs they have been utilized on.

I Hope You’re Happy sounds special. It comes with a compassionate heart (no, not literally) that is present throughout the album and that never dims or abates. Complimented by amazing production values that bring the bands’ vision to life. And ultimately is a real dead ringer for brilliance.


About David Oberlin 528 Articles
David Oberlin is a composer and visual artist who loves noise more than a tidy writing space. You can often find him in your dankest nightmares or on twitter @DieSkaarj while slugging the largest and blackest coffee his [REDACTED] loyalty card can provide.