Abductum – Behold The Man Review

abductum-behold-the-man-cover-artBehold The Man is the latest album from Spanish thrashers Abductum and it’s a fairly straight-forward release that will definitely appeal to you if you’re a thrash lover.

The album gets off to an energetic start with Earth’s Rage, which features some rather impressive guitarwork and solos, and progresses well from there, with the title track and later song Ultra Killer Mask being two of the stronger tracks of the piece.

Admittedly, there’s no real surprises to be found on this album and all the tracks seem to follow similar patterns, so some of them seem to blend together but nevertheless you can’t fault the energy and passion of the band’s delivery. The vocals have a wonderful amount of bite to them, the guitars are absolutely relentless from start to finish and the percussion section give both support and momentum to the music as a whole – and it’s always nice to hear a band so into their performance. I can already anticipate that this band will be a sight to see in a live environment!

All in all, a decent listen. If you’re into your thrash, then this is definitely worth checking out – just don’t go in expecting any huge surprises!


About Natalie Humphries 1926 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: nathumphries@soundscapemagazine.com or @acidnat on twitter.