Abhorrent Decimation’s Playlist

Abhorrent Decimation recently released their new album The Pardoner (read our review here). To coincide with its release, we caught up with the band’s vocalist Ashley Scott to get an insight into his musical tastes and influences.

A song that influenced Abhorrent Decimation
Reign of Darkness – Thy Art is Murder
After our last album came out, Archer got Cooke, Lenny and I all really into the Thy Art is Murder album Hate. And it was definitely a catalyst that pushed us towards a more modern sound.

A song he wishes he could have written
Move On Up – Curtis Mayfield
This song just fills me with total joy. The structure is essentially perfect. The extended arrangement is vast and colourful, the percussion is so driving, the horn section tooting the tones of joy and the whole track is relentlessly satisfying. If you get down to this, then you’re my type of human.

His favourite Abhorrent Decimation song
The Pardoner
This particular track was our most adventurous off the new album in my opinion. Everything was pushed to the extreme and it’s the darkest thing we have put out. I feel we really captured something memorable in those recording session. Extremely proud of it.

A song he’s been listening to a lot recently
Berry Streets – Chon
Our new drummer Alex really got me into Chon a few months back. Their back-catalogue is fairly prog, tech, jazz fusion-ish (?) But on this new record Homey they take that blend and mix it with a soulful “summer sound”. Mental stuff. I really love my rare groove, soul and funk music. So to find a “metal” band that can captured a special, soulful spirit on a few tracks in what they do, was really interesting to me. Got myself a little obsessednow.

His all time favourite song
Saturday Love – Alexander O’Neal
Alexander O’Neal is a freight train of sexual potency, stopping at every possible destination and delivering joy. I can’t really explain my obsession with it. This song just kills me, I love his performance on this track. It reminds me of being a young boy and listening to cassettes in my Mum & Dad’s car. And also sparks off the nostalgia of dating my wife when we first met.

About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: nathumphries@soundscapemagazine.com or @acidnat on twitter.