Aborted – Termination Redux Review

aborted termination reduxAborted are back with a brand new EP for 2016 and whilst their last offering (2014’s The Necrotic Manifesto) was good, they’ve really stepped things up with Termination Redux, really helping to get this year off to an almighty start.

At only fifteen minutes in duration, Aborted certainly pack a lot into this five-track EP and it’s a powerful listen to say the least – in particular, the amount of substance and power behind the vocals is something to behold, and the impressive wall of noise courtesy of the guitar, drum and bass really adds to the impact of the piece.

Channelling the sheer energy of their live shows, Termination Redux barely lets the band pause for breath as they relentlessly power through each track, not letting up until the closing chords of final track The Holocaust Reincarnate ring out. Indeed, as each song passes, the EP gains more momentum, with things coming to a head with the aforementioned closer, which sees the band presenting you with a well-organised and wonderfully heavy aural assault on your ears.

Aborted are ready to take 2016 by storm, if this EP is anything to go by – and it’s an almighty start to the year, to say the least.


About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: nathumphries@soundscapemagazine.com or @acidnat on twitter.