Alfahanne – Alfapokalyps Review

Alfahanne AlfapokalypsIf you’re big on your black metal, it goes without saying that Alfapokalyps is an album you definitely need in your life because not only does it feature ten tracks of crushingly brilliant black metal, it also features guest vocals from three of the bigger names in the genre: namely, Niklas Kvarforth of Shining, Hoest of Taake and V’gandr of Helheim – so if they’ve agreed to contribute to the album, that surely gives an impression of how good the band is.

The second track Ormar Av Satan is a prime example of how great the songwriting within the band is and on this track you really get to appreciate the vocal talents of frontman/guitarist Pehr Skjoldhammer, whose voice has a good meaty tone to it which lends itself well to the song. It gives the track another dimension and really helps the song resonate atop of the fantastic instrumentation underneath.

The guest vocals on the album are also top-notch. Kvarforth’s track Bättre Dar is the opener and it’s an extremely atmospheric piece, with his vocals seamlessly becoming one with the music and it’s a very strong opener, and V’gandr’s track Indiehora is one of the best on the album, with his vocals really standing out atop of the music that features some incredible guitar-work. And although Hoest’s track SÃ¥ld PÃ¥ Mörkret is the weakest of the album, with the song seeming a little drawn-out as it proceeds, his vocals give the track that extra spark and help move things along.

Alfapokalyps ends triumphantly, with the two final tracks being incredible inclusions. Der Drömmarna Dör has an awesomely fast-paced introduction that makes you half- want to move about to and half-want to stop still and take it all in because it really is striking – and that’s before the track fully gets underway, featuring some phenomenal guitars and in-your-face vocals that all contribute to the track’s greatness. And the closing track itself, Alla Ska Me, is a bit of a mini epic, with the vocals and drums working in tandem with one another to create a mindblowing aural experience. The track as a whole sums up the album rather well, ending it on a high note.

It’s good to know that there are bands like Alfahanne coming into the black metal scene that are clearly working hard at making great music, and with an album as good as this it’ll be surprising if they doesn’t wind up becoming a big name as a result.


Alfahanne: Facebook

About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.