An Interview with Magic Wands

We had a quick chat with Dexy Valentine from Magic Wands about their current album, Switch.


“…we are ready to get back to it.”


Five albums into your career, how has your approach to writing music changed?

It has not changed, we just do what we do. Either Chris (Valentine) or I comes up with an idea and we go from there. We go back and forth with having a live bassist and drummer vs using drum machines and synth bass.

Tell us about your latest release, SWITCH.

I had a vision for Switch. I wanted to make it feel nostalgic. It is also more reflective. It gives a voice to experiences I had growing up in the 90s pre-social media and the music that inspired me back then. It is deeply personal. All the art used for this were from old Polaroids I took back then as well. It is more gloomy and experimental than our other work to some degree.

Had the pandemic affected your tour schedule and ability to get back on the road?

It slowed things down but it also allowed us time to focus on writing. We had some shows and tours cancelled in 2020 because of the shut down but we are ready to get back to it.

What is in the cards for Magic Wands in the future?

We have a remix album of Switch coming out; will be announcing some shows soon; and working on the next one.

About David Oberlin 527 Articles
David Oberlin is a composer and visual artist who loves noise more than a tidy writing space. You can often find him in your dankest nightmares or on twitter @DieSkaarj while slugging the largest and blackest coffee his [REDACTED] loyalty card can provide.