Anaal Nathrakh – A New Kind Of Horror Review

Released on: 28th September 2018

A New Kind Of Horror validates all we already knew about humanity but Anaal Nathrakh at least present it as a hard to swallow collection of virulent blackened thrash songs. Defined with the same kind of flamboyance as an acrobat treating graves like they are lava.

That is to say that one; this album is wonderfully hot. Two; it dances on solid ground. As the album quite intentionally coincides with the hundred year anniversary of the first great war, World War I. A pure and honorary sentiment but also a great way to commandeer a hash tag (pound sign for you U.S. readers.) In addition to this there are sentiments on A New Kind Of Horror that also postulate about the demise of Capitalism. But why, when we know that death is just the beginning. Would that not seem duplicitous. Well it is A New Kind Of Horror isn’t it?

However Anaal Nathrakh treat their subject matter with reverance while communicating the errors of human involvement in human endeavors. Expressing it with the anger and vehemence that it deserves. While giving credence to the voice of the mighty philosopher Burt Kwok: “A phoenix can fly only when its feathers have grown.”

Bittersweet and British ironies aside the Anaal Nathrakh troupe are killing it on this their tenth studio album. Packing an immense amount of thought and energy into one album and one that contains a Utopian infrastructure in its tracklist. While expressing it with vitriolic poetry as if to command the dance of the stars themselves. A New Kind Of Horror is undoubtedly a beast of stellar production with the gravitas of excelsior songwriting grounding it in disharmony.


[Edit: this is the bands’ tenth album, not their ninth which was awesome too! – Ed]

About David Oberlin 528 Articles
David Oberlin is a composer and visual artist who loves noise more than a tidy writing space. You can often find him in your dankest nightmares or on twitter @DieSkaarj while slugging the largest and blackest coffee his [REDACTED] loyalty card can provide.