Antropomorphia – Rites ov Perversion Review

Antropomorphia Rites Ov PerversionAntropomorphia are back with their brand new album Rites ov Perversion and it builds on from their last release, 2012’s Evangelivm Nekromantia.

It has to be said that Rites ov Perversion is nothing ground-breakingly new and it just sounds like a typical black/death metal release. It’s a good listen; there’s no doubt about that, but it just seems to lack that special sparkle to help Antropomorphia stand out from the crowd, which is disappointing because there’s some real potential within some of the songs.

Tevfelskvnst is a wonderfully aggressive number, with a powerful drum line cementing the track together, and the guitars have a great heavy tone to them that gives the track an extra bit of meat. Meanwhile, Inanimatus Absqui Anima is more of a slow burner, starting off with quite a doomy feel before progressing into something a little more energetic and heavy later on in the track, and it helps to maintain the listener’s interest by switching between two different styles.

You aren’t going to get any surprises when it comes to Rites ov Perversion, but it’s a good album regardless and if you liked their previous releases, you’ll more than likely enjoy this too.


About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.