Arcadian’s Up & Coming UK Bands Playlist

arcadianWe’re always up for checking out new music here at Soundscape, so we jumped at the chance to get some recs from up and coming five-piece indie band Arcadian (who are also releasing their own EP entitled This Is Not Ultraviolet on July 30). Check them out and get involved below!

Reigning Days
Reigning Days’ track Friendly Fire gives a good balance between groovy bass and a huge chorus, creating the sort of atmosphere that would win a crowd over in one listen.

This song makes us move with no effort. It’s a great example of how for us there doesn’t need to be complicated lyrics to make a song amazing. The chords and synth sounds are beautiful and soft, with crispy high hats and punchy kicks, and it has comfy bass that surrounds you making you feel like you’re in the song.

The Bulletproof Bomb
Suitcase has a vibe that feels instantly nostalgic, and I don’t think we’ve ever listened to it without dancing. Ever since seeing them live last year at Reading, it’s been on every party playlist we’ve made!

We supported them a couple of months back at our local venue, and we really enjoyed that show. The song has such a cool, summery feel to it. You can’t help but bob your head to it.

Echo Infirmary
Our friends in Echo Infirmary released this one recently, and it’s got such a classic punk sound to it with an attitude like classic Arctic Monkeys, it sounds great live, and the crowd reacts so well to it.

About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.