Arcturon – Expect Us Review

Arcturon - Expect Us - ArtworkExpect Us is the latest release from Arcturon, marking ten years as a band, and it’s a pretty unpredictable listen that keeps you on your toes and leaves you wondering what’s going to happen next.

The EP gets off to a strong start with opener My Treasure, a powerful and meaty number that brings the noise and really gets everything moving. There’s a great driving force behind it all from the drums, and the track ends rather uniquely with a soft section containing some rather stunning clean vocals.

It’s third track A Restless Soul that really leaves a sizeable impression on you, however. Starting off with a fairly stripped-back approach with some stunning clean vocals that are soon juxtaposed rather well with a fuller sound and then followed by a bit of a folksier section before the band bring the noise again. It’s an interesting way of approaching a track, due to the differing styles used, but it really works.

Closer Rowan is different again; a mini-epic of a song that is the perfect way to wind up the EP. With lush melodies beneath powerful vocals, and beginning and ending with stunningly eerie tones, it’s a memorable way to bring things to a close.

Expect Us is an all-round great listen that shows versatility and originality from this engaging band. Nicely done!


About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.