Atlas : Empire’s Playlist

Atlas : Empire recently released their new album The Stratosphere Beneath Our Feet (our review of which is coming soon). Whilst you wait to hear what we thought of it, we caught up with vocalist and guitarist Steven Gillies for an insight into his tastes and influences.

A song that influenced Atlas : Empire
Oceansize – Massive Bereavement

This song, amongst pretty much all of Oceansize’s debut album, completely blew my mind when I first heard it. I was about 18 at the time and this encapsulated so many different moods and structural shifts. I became totally obsessed with that band!

A song he wishes he could have written
At The Drive In – Cosmonaut

In an album that redefined Post-Hardcore, this will always be an ATDI track that stands out for me. It’s so energetic, almost out of control & breaks at the exact right moment, super hooky chorus and of course, Omar’s frenetic guitar work. Total classic!

His favourite Atlas : Empire song
Our Hands Part The Waves

That’s a tough one, ‘cos I love ALL of our songs! The track from our album I’m currently enjoying playing the most is called Our Hands Part The Waves. It’s in drop A but is predominantly major key, so it falls between really heavy and shoegazey territories. We usually close sets with this.

A song he’s been listening to a lot recently
Blis- Old Man

I got really into this band about 18 months ago. Their album, No One Loves You, is incredible & this track is one of my favourites.

His all-time favourite song
Soundgarden – Superunknown

I’m going have to say the entirety of Superunknown by Soundgarden.

About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.