Attan – From Nothing Review

attan from nothingIt has to be said that sometimes when you hear a release that is all about making as much noise as possible, it can be a little tiresome, but an EP that goes against the grain is From Nothing, the debut EP from Norwegian five-piece Attan.

There’s a real sense of urgency from Attan, particularly in the opening track Nocebo (I Shall Harm), where it feels like Attan has come out with all guns blazing as they project their music at you. The half-squealed, half yelled vocals fit perfectly atop of the fast-paced and punchy instrumentation, and it’s a track that demands your attention from start to finish.

Another great element of this release is that it features some slower and more doomy sections, which really help to divide it up well. Indeed, the standout track of From Nothing has to be middle track Full Stop, which starts off as the slowest-paced track of the EP. The repeating guitar riff is a great addition to the track, really worming its way into your head, and just when you think you’ve gotten into a rhythm with this song, it’s like all hell breaks loose as Attan once again project this tremendous wall of sound at you – nicely done!

As a whole, this is a great EP and also shows room for the band to grow – needless to say, we’re all in for a treat when they come to release a full-length offering.


About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.