Singled Out: AvaGrace – Two Years


AvaGrace have recently released their single Two Years, so we took the time to review it and also caught up with guitarist/backing vocalist Craig to have a chat about it.

Two Years is a track that makes you feel like the band is destined for bigger things. It’s a pretty catchy little thing that certainly gets stuck in your head after a few listens and the bassline for this one is powerful, especially when it gets a little solo section. Although the clean vocals admittedly do get a little grating at times, the harsh vocals more than make up for it and really leave a lasting impression.

For a single, you really can’t go wrong – it’s a bit of an earworm (which is never a bad thing) and showcases just what the band is capable of, and surely it’s a good sign of what you can expect from their upcoming EP.

So, you’ve just released your brand new single Two Years – what’s the story behind the song?
Lyrically the song is about the regret of losing someone and then realising long after you messed up but there’s no way to reconcile.

Two Years is taken from your upcoming EP Earth, Wind & Liars, would you say it’s a good indication for what fans can expect from the EP?
Definitely. Two Years was the last song we wrote for the EP so it’s a good combination of everything that came before, The new EP is a little heavier than previous work but still combines melody of the last EP and some great hooks (or at least we hope that’s what people will think!)

Can you describe your writing and recording process?
Basically the majority of the time a riff or chord progression is put forward by somebody then we all take the opportunity to get together and map out a song adding our own personal touches- we usually find what comes naturally usually makes the best songs, then Chris writes his lyrics alongside us writing the music, With the last EP we demoed the songs, then when we thought the songs were ready we hit Hidden Track Studios and started the proper recording process.

If you could collaborate with another band or musician, who would it be?
Would be great to collab with someone like Snoop Dogg/Lion, We could hang with him and his crew all day getting up to all sorts of shenanigans I’d imagine, We could do a live jam in studio and he can rap over the top – maybe persuade him at the same time to let us do a cameo in one of his films!

If you could get another band to cover one of your songs, who would it be and what song?
We think it would be interesting to see what The 1975 could do with one of our songs, we have a totally different sound to them and I think their version of any of our songs would make it something totally different, A few of us are really into their music so hopefully it can happen one day!

As 2014 is now coming to a close – what went well for the band this year?
The best thing about this year is that we managed to get back in the studio and record a brand new EP, Nothing like going to a studio with new set of songs and hearing them evolve piece by piece, such an exciting and fulfilling process!

And what perhaps didn’t go to plan?
We’ve had a few hiccups behind the scenes but this was nothing to do with the band, overall we see the year as a success, We won’t let anything get us down!

And finally – if AvaGrace could put their name to any product, what would it be?
That’s a tough question, I’ve been told to say by the band condoms but I think that’s already been done by some past it boyband, Maybe something like our own brand of chocolate – keep the ladies sweet, plus we could have our own golden tickets like Willy Wonka, find a golden ticket get to come to a show for free and spend the day with AvaGrace, I can imagine there would be uproar across the nation just like in the film!

AvaGrace: Facebook|Twitter

About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.