Behind The Scenes: The Artwork Of In Absence By A World Defined

A World Defined

We recently covered the new EP, In Absence, by A World Defined – you can read our review here. It’s always interesting to find out about the thought processes involved with an artist’s artwork, so we caught up with the band to find out a little more about it.

On the artwork

A World Defined In AbsenceAs obvious as it sounds, people judge you on their first impressions so the artwork for In Absence was really important to us. We didn’t want to take an easy option or a stereotypical approach to artwork and use a piece which we view as being sub-standard or ‘typical’.

Our friend Luke Aaron hand drew the artwork, which was then put together into the final piece by Jack Nicholl at OBZZ design.

The concept of the EP is life and our songs explore various aspects of all of our journeys which we’re sure listeners can relate too. The drawing is a skeleton key developing into a stag beetle. Luke says ‘a skeleton key can open any door, roots signify growth and that beginnings can happen at any point. The stag beetle resembles strength in numbers and the acceptance of change…’

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About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.