Black Drop Effect – Injecting Pain Review

Black Drop Effect Injecting PainBlack Drop Effect is a new Swedish black metal project and Injecting Pain is their first release.

The album beings abruptly, almost as if the listener has been thrown in mid-way through the song, which is perhaps not the best way to kick things off, but you can certainly say that it gets off to a running start if nothing else.

There’s an underlying sense of urgency throughout the EP, which really helps to keep it all moving and works in the band’s favour. Second track Dead Eyes Staring Back is an especially good example of this, having a good ‘punchy’ introduction and even in the slower sections of the track there is a good amount of momentum.

Although the tracks all tend to follow the same format, it’s a good format and Black Drop Effect have done well with this release. Sure, there are a few things that need fine tuning – the release could have possibly benefited from a short introduction – but for what it is, it’s pretty good.


Black Drop Effect: Facebook

About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.