Cannibal Corpse – A Skeletal Domain Review

Cannibal Corpse A Skeletal DomainWhen it comes to consistency, Cannibal Corpse is a band that definitely falls under this category because everything they put out is of such a high quality, and their latest effort, A Skeletal Domain, is certainly no exception to this. Twelve tracks of powerful and heavy slabs of metal, A Skeletal Domain is indeed a substantial listen that you’ll keep wanting to revisit time and time again.

An early favourite is the title track, and it’s no wonder why the band chose this one as the de-facto representative of the album because it’s just that good. The vocals are mighty, the instrumentation marvellously heavy-yet-catchy and when everything is brought together, it gels magnificently together into one almighty and formidable track.

Something that is a little apparent with the album is that Cannibal Corpse have played things a little safe with this album. In comparison to their other albums, it doesn’t really feature anything unexpected or out of the ordinary; it’s very much your ‘standard’ Cannibal Corpse album and whilst this isn’t necessarily a problem, it would have been rather enjoyable to have a curve-ball or two featuring on the album as well!

Cannibal Corpse have once again delivered with A Skeletal Domain – this is not an album you want to miss.


About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.