Centiment – Streets Of Rage

Centiment Streets Of RageFor a band consisting of almost the entire InMe lineup, it wouldn’t be a strain to imagine that Centiment would have a lot of similarities to the aforementioned band, but that honestly couldn’t be further from the truth with Streets Of Rage.

There’s this wonderful heaviness to their sound which is backed up by beautifully melodic electronic sections, and the two just work seamlessly together. There’s also a lot of passion behind the vocals (especially in Hollow Grams) and the album features a relentlessly excellent performance throughout. There’s a lot of different ideas and sections crammed into the ten tracks, which gives Streets Of Rage a lot of variety and is certainly an album you’ll want to keep revisiting.

One of the strongest tracks of the album is Acheron. It’s a headbangingly brilliant track and the electronic line beneath the powerful vocals is a perfect touch and it injects just the right amount of melodic-ness into an otherwise gloriously heavy affair. It feels like the band have just put their all into it and it’s conveyed in incredible style.

The album progresses well from there and there honestly isn’t a song on there that stands out as being bad. Centiment sound tremendously focused throughout and is a musically tight performance from start to finish – this band is surely one that gives their all in a live performance if this album is anything to go by. Great stuff from this promising fivepiece.


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About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: nathumphries@soundscapemagazine.com or @acidnat on twitter.