Coldbound – The Gale Review

Released on: 10th June 2018

For the bands fourth album Coldbound change their black metal tune and offer up a melo-death album that has its roots in black metal. Entitled The Gale with its change of pace the band sound like a maudlin Kings of Chaos by Hecate Enthroned however they display a bit more maturity in their conceptualization. Where lyrically the move away from life affirming statements and instead offer ruminations on life, love and the universe.

Musically the album is really nice. Often hitting the sweet spot through its melodies. And even with it filled with melancholy it is anything but unoriginal. However like depression, a core topic, it is hard to tack down exactly what makes these tunes have such a powerful effect. Yet in saying that it would be silly to not conclude that much of the discussion, as presented by the lyrics, is performed musically on guitar rather than ascribed a piteous narrative.

Silence, they say, makes the heart grow colder and Coldbounds’ warm fuzzy noise is a comfortable place to sit and listen. Just to listen, demanding nothing more from you than your ear. The Gale is an album portrays depression in a positive light and offers inspiration towards the plight of introspection. Giving dark thoughts a well polished change in perspective by giving shadows a tangible substance. It is pretty awesome to be honest. What with its coherent motifs running throughout its run-time it is a fantastic study on things often left behind.


About David Oberlin 527 Articles
David Oberlin is a composer and visual artist who loves noise more than a tidy writing space. You can often find him in your dankest nightmares or on twitter @DieSkaarj while slugging the largest and blackest coffee his [REDACTED] loyalty card can provide.