Mamuthones/Evil Blizzard – Collisions Vol. 4 Review

collisions vol 4The upcoming split release from Mamuthones and Evil Blizzard, Collisions Vol. 4, is an interesting piece of work, to say the least. With neither band playing the most conventional music, it’s an EP that proves itself to be an intriguing and engaging listen that you’ll certainly want to revisit.

The first four tracks of the EP come from Mamuthones and opener I’ve Gotta Be is a bit of a repetitive piece – but in the best sort of way. It’s got a funky drum line that swiftly gets stuck in your head and gets your foot tapping before you know what’s hit you. Coupled with the spoken vocals, the formula works and gets the EP off to a great start. The format works well for the other three tracks as well; Mamuthones seem to have crafted their sound round repeating a few simple ideas and themes, and know how to write a tune or two that will inexplicably get stuck in your head – good stuff!

The latter two tracks on Collisions Vol. 4 come from Evil Blizzard, whose debut album we covered back in March of last year, and it’s two renditions of the same song, Sacrifice. It’s definitely different to what they’ve done in the past, but that’s one of the things that’s best about this band – they’re not afraid of playing about with their sound and trying out new ideas. The first track of the two is the ‘standard’ version and is an almost sludgy track at times, with lots of fuzzy bass and shouted vocals, and the second of the two is a mix from Teeth Of The Sea, which is a smooth and psychedelic number in comparison. The repetition is a little much at times, but as a whole the pair juxtapose against each other well and show yet another side to Evil Blizzard.

Collisions Vol. 4 probably won’t be to everyone’s tastes, but for those into their noise and psychedelia certainly can’t go wrong with this release.


About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.