Continents – Idle Hands Review

Idle Hands is an album that perfectly captures the energy Continents display onstage. Weighing in at just over 37 minutes, it’s noisy and packs a decent punch.

Opening track Idle Hands is already wonderfully noisy, but it’s the following track, Pegasus Pegasus, where things really start to kick off. From the opening beat right through to the closing screams, you can’t help but want to bang your head to it. It truly captures the sheer energy this band displays onstage.

Inhale takes a somewhat more melodic approach, nicely dividing the album up, as following track, Land Of The Free, dives right back into the intensity, the repeated closing line of ‘if we make a stand, we can be as one’ resonating as the song comes to an end.

Sixth track Sheep In Wolves Clothing, is only a prelude to the song Regrets, but nevertheless is my personal favourite on the album, managing to remain heavy but still taking a softer approach, the main guitar riff throughout being impossible to listen to without wanting to bang your head, before leading straight into Regrets which continues immediately where its predecessor left off.

Loathe slows the album down a tad, even though the duration isn’t too long, and I found it to drag a little. On the other hand, track Exhale is also a short one and manages to pack in a whole lot of energy and intensity into just over two minutes.

Album closer Lion’s Den rounds things off nicely, finishing the album on a satisfying yet abrupt note, giving time for the track to truly sink in, whilst leaving the listener with their ears ringing and wanting to start it all over again from the beginning.


About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.