Daggerplay – Urban Campfire Songs Review

daggerplay urban campfire songsDaggerplay are a Finnish punk and roll band formed at the end of 2011 and Urban Campfire Songs is their debut album, which is a great and promising little release.

The first thing that hits you about this band is definitely the vocals, which almost sound a little too ‘clean’ and ‘melodic’ for a punk band. At first they do sound a bit out of place but once you’ve given the album a few more listens, they really grow on you and give a different side to the band rather than the same-old generic snarling vocals you hear in so many punk bands these days, which is great!

Urban Campfire Songs is an all-round good mix of songs with all your usual singalong half-chanted, half-sung choruses but one song that really stands out from the crowd is the magnificent Blind Horses, which actually utilises violin. On the outside, perhaps this is a formula that shouldn’t work, but to say that it fits in seamlessly is an understatement. It adds so much to the song, giving it an extra edge, and it’s something a little different, really working in the band’s favour.

Although the rest of the album isn’t a largely adventurous release, which is a shame because of the individuality of Blind Horses, it’s a great album and Daggerplay have shown a lot of promise and potential within it. An album well worth your time to check out.


Daggerplay: Facebook

About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: nathumphries@soundscapemagazine.com or @acidnat on twitter.