Dead Of Night – The Evolving Science Of Self Review

Released on: 23rd March 2018

This was a pleasant surprise. Although the title tickled my slight bias of all things prog, The Evolving Science Of Self, I’ll admit that I had absolutely no idea what to expect when spinning this in the old VLC player. However the first track was so potent that it knocked me into reverie.

Dead Of Night with their fourth album juxtapose a grand symphonic diorama with soft tones and dark colours. While their stern adherence to metal and classic literature makes for a wonderful adventure through the lyrical postulation about the science of the self.

The orchestration alone is full of action, that is the keyboards sans guitar and vocals, and its polish is done to such a high standard that you would be remiss not to get caught up in their twisted conjecture. It’s as if the UK based quintet are scoring the soundtrack to a film called Awesome.

Technically sound the performance on the album is, of course, at the highest caliber. In this day and age it’s not just expected but an industry standard. However the band capture the energy and impetus that their songs inspire with an organic expression. Which emphasizes that there’s true belief running through the conviction that the performers present, and it will leave you awestruck.

Beautiful, daring, dark and powerful The Evolving Science Of Self is an album that is as refined as it is raw. An amalgamation of grandiose ideas and rugged metal riffs it feels close, or firm. Warm and alluring maybe. Whichever it is, its robust arrangements are magical and ultimately captivating enough to inspire the spirit into flames.


About David Oberlin 527 Articles
David Oberlin is a composer and visual artist who loves noise more than a tidy writing space. You can often find him in your dankest nightmares or on twitter @DieSkaarj while slugging the largest and blackest coffee his [REDACTED] loyalty card can provide.

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