Death Design – Vicious World Review

Vicious World coverDeath Design are back with their brand new mini album Vicious World and if you liked their track Drown With Me, trust me when I’ll say you’ll love these four tracks too.

Death Design is very talented at what they do; they have the balance between aggression and melody just right. The mini album is gloriously heavy, yet there’s a nice hint of melody underneath the wall of sound and this really helps the music to leave more of an impression of you, rather than you just being faced with noise and nothing else.

There’s a lot of momentum behind the music, with Death Design having a real drive to their performance, and there’s surely no doubt that this is a release that will go down an absolute storm in a live environment. It’s very in-your-face and energetic, and the chunky tone to it all gives the music an extra bite. From the powerful beginnings of Fade Away, right through to the triumphant and riff-filled final track Closure, Death Design are relentless from start to finish and Vicious World is just a pleasure to listen to as a result.

It definitely feels like Death Design have more to give, and with each release they make, they seem to be getting better and better. If this is anything to go by, then surely a full-length offering will blow us all away.


About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.