Dicepeople – Synthetic Review

dicepeople syntheticSynthetic is the new release from Dicepeople and is a four-track EP featuring their new song Synthetic, along with two remixes of the song by Ventenner and Little Death Machine, and a remix from band member Matt, tagged as the Pneumatic mix.

Synthetic is, quite simply, a seriously addictive track. As soon as you hit the “play” button, you can’t help but get drawn into the song. The vocals are hypnotising and the electronic instrumentation helps to give them a haunting, ethereal vibe – and after one listen, it will already be in your head. It’s clear that Dicepeople have mastered the art of writing music to get under your skin and the simplicity of the song works well, proving that you don’t need to get really technical in order to create a work of art.

Despite the other three tracks all being variations of the first, each brings something different to the table and are nothing but complementary to the original song. The Ventenner remix, sounds a little more organic and fuzzy, particularly in the vocal line, whereas the following remix by Little Death Machine veers in entirely the other direction with a more electronic and almost robotic approach, and the Pneumatic mix has an almost old-school vibe in the instrumentation.

Synthetic may not be the ‘usual’ thing I’d gravitate towards, but if anything, that just makes it all the more special. Check out this band now – you won’t be disappointed.


About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: nathumphries@soundscapemagazine.com or @acidnat on twitter.