Exclusive Stream: Diet – Palindrome

Soundscape Magazine is pleased to premiere the upcoming EP, Palindrome, by Diet. Check it out below!

Diet is a band from Staten Island, New York that has been in progress for several years. After exploring several genres of music since 2009, Diet has settled on an alternative combination of grunge, indie rock and a touch of pop punk and like to make noise for extended periods of time.

“Great, creative instrumentals with a unique blending of punk sounds and good vocals.” – Justin Sarachik on Knee Brace

“Diet is similar in sound and style to some bands you might have heard of; Tigers Jaw, Basement, American Football, Citizen & Dads. If you’re a fan of Midwest Emo or Pop Punk, they’re certainly worth a listen!” – Artist Spotlight at Punk Reviews.net

“Overall, the album is a work of art unto itself. I am actually blown away by this band’s artistic ability, and their willingness to stray away from the stereotypical notions of punk rock being “easy” and “non-musically” driven.” – Justin Sarachik on Diet

What do you think of the EP? Let us know in the comments below!

Diet: Facebook|Tumblr|Merch

About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: nathumphries@soundscapemagazine.com or @acidnat on twitter.

3 Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. SKOPE NEWS FOR AUGUST 4, 2014 | Skope Entertainment Inc
  2. News: Soundscape Magazine Exclusively Premieres Diet’s Palindrome EP | BREATHING THE CORE
  3. EP STREAM: Diet – ‘Palindrome’ | Under the Gun Review

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