Dissector – Grey Anguish Review

dissector grey anguishDissector are a band that are no strangers to the metal scene, having been going for over twenty years, and their latest effort Grey Anguish is a well-constructed piece with a magnificent tightness to it. The music is mainly in the melodic death metal vein, with a touch of thrash in places, and the subtle blend of the two results in a great sound for Dissector.

Deadline Pressure is an early highlight of the piece, featuring some absolutely mighty and powerful vocals and the instrumentation will get your foot tapping and your head banging – this is surely a track that will go down a storm live. Similarly An Angel With No Home is another great inclusion. It’s a track filled with momentum and movement, and is hard-hitting and aggressive – what more can you want?

One of the strongest songs of Grey Anguish, and one that really leaves an impression on you, is the closing track Keep My Trust. The guest female vocals are a really nice touch, adding an air of lightness and gentleness to the music and they juxtapose well against the harsh vocals – the two different styles work well with one another and it makes for a striking close to the piece.

Although you won’t find any real surprises as such on Grey Anguish, it is nevertheless a meaty and substantial listen, and you’ll be wanting to return to this album for a long time to come.


Dissector: Website|Facebook

About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: nathumphries@soundscapemagazine.com or @acidnat on twitter.