Distress Of Ruin – Predators Among Us Track By Track Review

To say that Predators Among Us is an extremely refreshing EP release from this melodic death-metal five piece from Joensuu, Finland is somewhat of an understatement – it just seems to have everything packed into the six tracks on there.

The Ocean Of Perdition
This is a track that gets the EP going nicely, featuring some absolutely beautiful piano backed up well with acoustic guitar, and really helps to give the EP a wholesome and fresh feel to open it up before the electric guitars unexpectedly set in just before the halfway mark, which was a great touch to build things up, especially when the harsh vocals kick in. An overall great way to get things going.

They Play Dead
This leads on well from The Ocean Of Perdition, and is the perfect blend of aggression and melody. It really showcases the fantastic blend of harsh and melodic vocals courtesy of Lauri and Simo, and just how well they blend together. The chorus is wildly catchy whilst the verses pack a good hard punch – this could well be the standout track of the album as it just has everything!

Deadly Nightshade
This one keeps the momentum going and barrels into a wonderfully noisy riff-filled number. Lauri really has a lot of power behind his voice and it really makes for a memorable track: a vocalist who is really good at what they do really does make all the difference, and it shines through on this one.

Bystander Effect
Admittedly Bystander Effect isn’t the best song of the EP and it takes a little while to get going. Unfortunately, when it does, the balance is a little off and there is a lot of aggression with not much melody, which made the track drag a little and it felt a little repetitive at times as a result.

Terminal Alteration
This is another strong contender of a track and to say that the chorus is perfect is somewhat of an injustice – the melodic vocals are beautifully soft and get stuck in your head before you even know it, and the guitar-work behind the vocals is stunning. It also contrasts nicely with Bystander Effect due to the overall softness of the track. Great stuff!

Harbinger Of Ravage
Before the EP comes to a vastly satisfying close, this song is like one last spurt of energy with the whole band really giving it their all in just under four minutes. It ends by cutting off abruptly, which is a fantastic way for the whole EP to really resonate in your mind – plus, it leaves you wanting so much more.

Predators Among Us is a release with a lot of potential. Distress For Ruin have really shown that they are a force to be reckoned with and it will definitely be interesting to see where they go next.


Predators Among Us is out now and can be downloaded for completely free from the band’s official website, here.


About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: nathumphries@soundscapemagazine.com or @acidnat on twitter.