Draconian – Sovran Review

Draconian SovranDraconian has always been a solid band with a quality back-catalogue and their latest offering, Sovran, could perhaps be their best one yet.

Draconian have mastered the art of blending crushing heaviness and soft melodies together into one almighty melancholy-sounding beast and although the ‘beauty and the beast’ approach to singing has become somewhat of a tired old trope in the music industry, it still works for Draconian and doesn’t sound stale or stagnant – in fact, with each release it seems to get fresher. There’s something incredible about how beautifully the two vocal styles fit together and it really does make for engaging listening. Indeed, there isn’t a single song that strikes you as being ‘weaker’ than the others, which is surely testament to a good release.

A particular highlight of the album is one of the later tracks, Dishearten. The introduction is one of those instrumental lines that will send shivers down your spine and there’s a stunning darkness to the song. The harsh vocals just add to the atmosphere, juxtaposing tremendously against the clean vocals which bring a gentle innocence to the song, and it’s one of those tracks that you’ll keep wanting to return to.


Draconian have created something to behold with Sovran – this is an album you really don’t want to miss.


About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: nathumphries@soundscapemagazine.com or @acidnat on twitter.