Dreaming Dead – Funeral Twilight Review

Third time’s a charm and Dreaming Deads’dreaming dead - funeral twilight third album Funeral Twilight is, for all intents and purposes, a very fetching listen. The LA based quartet may hail themselves as a solution to mediocrity and populist plagiarism, and they’d be right.

While it’s not an innovative record its composition is virtuous. Brandishing salient riffs along with some class action emanating from the larynx of demonic dudette and founding member Elizabeth Schall. Pushed along to the click track of other founder Mike Caffell this comprehensive album is filled to the gunwales with sweet destructive glee.

Ruminating on the macabre Dreaming Dead are post-humus and post-death metal. Taking all the intensity of the aforementioned genre and making a bold statement in aural warfare. It’s album like these that while they owe their sound to a genre that dabbles more than Crowley in cocaine, they like Crowley come out with some profound phrases, and this album is testimony to that.

Also beneath the prolific licks and diabolical hooks this album sits on a strong foundation of powerful rhythms that move foggy notions into full on headbangers and in presenting a keen sense of dynamics Dreaming Dead use them accordingly to create roaring verses that could very well summon the devil herself. Yet even though the harmonies are nothing new, the technical prowess alone is succinct and really compliments the expression of this inherently brutal album. While that classic heavy metal styling comes with devilishly addictive qualities that makes the shredding on this album like a forbidden substance.

As we all (should) know good things come in threes, so they say, but hopefully Dreaming Dead will break that occultist rule and prove that once and for all that God is dead, and only the living are to blame, to deliver us from shit music courtesy of sponsored content.


About David Oberlin 527 Articles
David Oberlin is a composer and visual artist who loves noise more than a tidy writing space. You can often find him in your dankest nightmares or on twitter @DieSkaarj while slugging the largest and blackest coffee his [REDACTED] loyalty card can provide.