Driving Mrs. Satan – Did You Mrs Me? Review

driving mrs satan did you mrs meDid You Mrs Me? is the follow-up to Driving Mrs. Satan’s excellent debut album Popscotch and if you loved that one, then there’s no question that you’ll love this album too.

Whilst on the surface, Driving Mrs. Satan does sound like they may be a gimmicky band due to the fact they play folksy covers of metal songs, but after one listen, the band smash any preconceptions you may have about them because their music is sincere, well-arranged and beautifully played. Driving Mrs. Satan have found their niche and do it magnificently.

Driving Mrs. Satan have included some absolutely cracking covers on this album and an early highlight is their rendition of Iron Maiden’s Caught Somewhere In Time, which somehow manages to channel the momentum of the original version whilst simultaneously giving the track an almost ethereal-like air to it. Another tremendous inclusion comes almost immediately afterwards in the form of Anthrax’s Antisocial and whilst it may not have the anarchic qualities of the original, it will have you singing along to the chorus at the top of your lungs! Raining Blood is another notable song, and although you may expect the thundering introduction not to translate very well into an acoustic guitar line, it somehow works for Driving Mrs. Satan!

There are some songs that don’t quite leave much of an impression on you, however. Running Free seems to lack energy and drive, and subsequently drags somewhat, and To Hell And Back is a bit of an anticlimactic finish to the piece – but saying that, the bonus track of a French rendition of Antisocial is a nice little addition to the album.

As a whole, Did You Mrs Me? is another tremendous offering from Driving Mrs. Satan. It’s always refreshing to hear a new spin on some old classics and Driving Mrs. Satan have got this down to a fine art.


About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: nathumphries@soundscapemagazine.com or @acidnat on twitter.