Eagleheart – Reverse Review

Eagleheart have decided that their second album will be a juxtaposition to their last album, an album that conceptualized things about dreams and escape, and have focused on discussing reality. Mainly by listing the selling points of their new material which comes complete with statements like ‘Classic Metal sound with a fresh personal approach that makes it relevant for this day and age’ on the press release.

While I’m not wanting to get deep into how classic metal is still relevant (yo why you still wearing Iron Maiden/Black Sabbath/Killswitch T’s Yoof of the United Nations and/or why you still citing them as influences Other Bands?) but when listing the selling points of an album every dumb arse and their PTA this side of the stage know what they’re paying for here. Music. Now apparently it’s a ‘real must for every fan of Symphony X, Kamelot and Blind Guardian.’ Alas little did I know that the music that lifts our hearts had its head firmly on our wallets. Scurrilous! Reality and its universal Ars Gratia Visa motto is harsh.

Fortunately this album doesn’t play out like the I Know A Song That’ll Get Out Your Purse song. It does have its harsh moments but what it doesn’t have is an interesting and unique selling point. For the most part the sound of self-indulgent filler material that although quite impressive plays out more like an alcohol induced fever dream. Yet with so much going on the technical achievement is eclipsed by the extremities of cramming so much detail into such a small space. If this album was orange juice it’d be labeled as Power Metal from concentrate (with bits.)

With Cerberus on vocals, which seems excessive since the range of the each separate singer stays around the Tenor mode, there’s the possibility of interesting dynamics to sell you on. However, spoilers but: it doesn’t happen and the award for best voice goes to KORG.

Reverse is the title of the album and while the music is anything but bland a few good riffs aren’t enough to handle the truth. The truth that this album follows a stringent formula to fit into a niche market that’s known more for being inspirational than being inspired by. Leaving it a good example of why you can’t refund feelings without sounding disingenuous.


About David Oberlin 526 Articles
David Oberlin is a composer and visual artist who loves noise more than a tidy writing space. You can often find him in your dankest nightmares or on twitter @DieSkaarj while slugging the largest and blackest coffee his [REDACTED] loyalty card can provide.