Ebonillumini – Arktos

ebonillumini arktosArktos is the second album from Ebonillumini and it’s a very intriguing listen; it’s perhaps best described as being something of an acquired taste as it definitely isn’t something that will appeal to everyone but nevertheless it is an engaging listen – and you certainly can’t fault it for its uniqueness!

The album as a whole is a rather ambient and atmospheric listen, with the female vocals adding this wonderful air of mystery to the music, along with just the right amount of melody. This really aids with the flow of Arktos as it helps to keep things moving and adds more momentum.

Of course, there are moments where it does feel a little disjointed. Sixth track Land Where The Wild Grapes Grow (Vinland) has the potential to be something really special, but the way it jumps between more ambient and doomy styles doesn’t quite work, so it results in it sounding rather haphazard and it’s a shame because if the song was blended together a bit more seamlessly, the juxtaposition of the different styles against one another would sound incredible – however it could well be the case that the slightly uncomfortable sound is what Ebonillumini was aiming for!

Although Arktos may not be the most accessible listen, that doesn’t mean its a write-off and if you’re looking for something a little different to help keep you on your toes, why not give this a try?


About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: nathumphries@soundscapemagazine.com or @acidnat on twitter.