Empyrean Asunder – Hate Review

Empyrean Asunder - HateIn this day and age, a band creating unique music is a rare feat, but one such band is Empyrean Asunder, playing primarily industrial music but with a bit of seemingly everything added in, with hardcore, punk and even dubstep thrown into the mix at one point!

One of the things that immediately strikes you about this band is the sheer power behind the vocals from Olivia, who can switch between brutally harsh vocals and clean vocals with ease, and they fit perfectly with the music. Sometimes harsh vocals can feel out of place in industrial music, but it’s an understatement about how well they work in Empyrean Asunder – they’re incredibly refreshing and lend themselves well to the tracks.

A surprise favourite is closer Killing Floor. Blending in chunky dubstep sections with some of the most aggressive-sounding vocals of the demo, it’s the perfect way to round everything up because it leaves such an impression on you due to its uniqueness!

There is some room for improvements, as there are some similarities between the tracks and how they’re constructed, but for a demo it’s not half bad and the raw materials are certainly there for Empyrean Asunder to become a force to reckon with in the music industry.


Hate is available for free download from the band’s website, so no excuses!

Empyrean Asunder: Website|Facebook|Twitter

About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: nathumphries@soundscapemagazine.com or @acidnat on twitter.