Eradikator – Edge Of Humanity Review

eradikator edge of humanityThe second album from the sharp as a tack Eradikator nailed it tighter than a zombie’s coffin. Originally released July 2015, this heretical album is now available worldwide for the everyone to bask in its Hades fueled flames.

Contaminated with mighty riffs and demonized esprit de corps Edge Of Humanity is a bastion of classic style thrash without any fancy poseur frills. The intensity on here matches the pure heady attitude set on display projecting the listener into some serious trance-like headbanging fits. Compelling many horn pumps throughout this cursed miasma of unadulterated heavy metal.

Thankfully Eradikator have no fear of the blissful solo and maximize this capacity of this to full effect, leading rather than trailing through the steamy power pumping through the diabolical vocals.  Thrash metal has fighting spirit and these guys are battling on a whole new plane of interest.

Never dull and always impassioned Edge Of Humanity, like a blind hammer, hits out hard in all directions. With diverse prose each phrase is elated to a pantheon of blazing irreverence.  Speaking to the Gods with a puritanical infusion of evil. Effectively producing a sound that even the 80’s Metal Beards would be proud of.  It might not be Eradikators first step into the abyss but Edge Of Humanity is the beatific dawn of a newer fiendish wonderland.


About David Oberlin 527 Articles
David Oberlin is a composer and visual artist who loves noise more than a tidy writing space. You can often find him in your dankest nightmares or on twitter @DieSkaarj while slugging the largest and blackest coffee his [REDACTED] loyalty card can provide.