Ferryman – What Is Mine Review

What Is Mine FerrymanWhat Is Mine is the first full album from Ferryman and it’s a good listen – albeit definitely a grower.

The album gets off to a somewhat slow start and nothing quite grabs your interest at first. Everything feels a little generic and it doesn’t really sound like the most original piece out there; it’s almost like the band haven’t quite found their own sound and like they’re a little unsure of themselves. There’s nothing wrong with the songs technically, as they’re well-performed and arranged, but it is a little unfortunate that there’s nothing to really set them apart from the crowd.

However, it is worth giving the entire album a chance because things really strengthen in the latter half of the album, with songs such as Bound To The Dust and Your Sacrifice really getting stuck in your head. Feet Of Clay is an especially stunning track, opening with some beautiful keys that have a great proggy feel to them before the full band sets in to give an atmospheric and profound performance.

All in all, What Is Mine is a fairly decent listen. At times it may not be the most original, but it’s definitely worth sticking with because there are a few gems nestled within.


Ferryman: Website|Facebook

About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: nathumphries@soundscapemagazine.com or @acidnat on twitter.