Frozen Caress – Introjection Review

Frozen CaressIt’s always refreshing when a band goes against the norm and crafts something unique, and it can certainly be said that Frozen Caress’ album Introjection is a bold move, but nevertheless it’s a move that has paid off.

Introjection is unlike anything I’ve ever witnessed before. Perhaps an easy way of describing it would be avant-garde but that doesn’t quite do it justice – it is perhaps best just to listen to it and come to your own conclusion about what music this band plays.

Either way, it’s a great album and particular attention should be brought to the vocals, with singer Davide able to sing in a wide variety of styles from ‘standard’ deep grows to operatic falsetto and even feminime-like clean lines. It’s incredibly versatile and means that the band is able to experiment with lots of different ideas and approaches as a result. A good example of this is in the rather aptly-titled track The Moodswing, which begins with a gloriously heavy and energetic section before morphing into an entirely different beast with thin and stripped-back instrumentation and then adventuring into what can only be described as prog territory!

Another highlight is Promenade, a rather chilled out affair with some hauntingly beautiful vocals and littered with catchy little repeating melodies that can’t help but be caught in your head.

Introjection is a great album, if only for the fact you’re constantly kept on your toes as you wonder what Frozen Caress is going to do next as the album progresses. A highly recommended listen.


Frozen Caress: Facebook|Twitter

About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.