Ghost Iris’ Playlist

Last month, Ghost Iris released their new album Apple Of Discord. To coincide with its release, we caught up with drummer Sebastian Linnet to get an insight into the music that inspires the band.

A song that influenced Ghost Iris
It’s very difficult to name just one song that influenced the band as a whole. We always say that our band is inspired by Meshuggah, Michael Jackson and Misery Signals.

A song you wish you could have written
Catch Thirty Three – Meshuggah

The entire Catch Thirty Three album by Meshuggah, which is essentially one song. That album/song is so mesmerising and trance inducing, it’s crazy.

Your favourite Ghost Iris song
The Devil’s Plaything

The Devil’s Plaything, definitely. This song has everything our band is about. It’s heavy, it’s catchy, it’s groovy, it’s melodic, it’s aggressive.

A song you’ve been listening to a lot recently
All Out Life – Slipknot

Slipknot are awesome. Looking forward to their new album a whole lot.

Your all-time favourite song
Obzen – Meshuggah

I first heard this song 10 years ago and it single-handedly changed the way I listen to music forever. I had never heard anything like this before. To this day I have not heard a song better than this one.

About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.