Ghost Of The Avalanche – This Is Earth Review

GOTAThisIsEarthfrontsmallforemailIn just over a month’s time, noise-punk duo Ghost Of The Avalanche will be releasing their latest offering This Is Earth and it could perhaps be their strongest release yet.

Despite the fact the short duration of their last offering Body Snatchers didn’t quite work, this time round it does – small but mighty, This Is Earth features five tracks that each pack their own little punch, and is just packed with energy from start to finish, with plenty of opportunities for you to get involved, either by singing along, tapping in time to the beat or simply just blasting the music at full volume!

A particular strong point of the EP has to be City Heat, which is one of those songs that will worm your way into your head before you even realise what has happened. The opening bass riff will be rattling about your brain for days on end and the repeated chorus is catchy and easy to remember. It isn’t overly technical but it doesn’t need to be; it leaves a massive impression on you and is a song you’ll want to keep returning to.

As a whole, this is a great little EP and shows Ghost Of The Avalanche reaching new heights – the future surely holds great things for this up and coming band.


Preorder from here.

Ghost Of The Avalanche: Facebook|Twitter

About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.