Godthrymm’s Playlist

We always love hearing about the bands and songs that go into influencing and inspiring musicians and bands – so naturally we jumped at the chance to hear more about what makes Godthrymm tick.

A song that influenced Godthrymm
Black Sabbath by Black Sabbath (it’s on the album Black Sabbath!!) it all began here! The creeping dread, the heaviness and the horror!

A song they wish they could have written
Given To The Grace by Pallbearer. An incredibly beautiful piece of work that covers the whole essence and vibe of doom metal perfectly.

Their favourite Godthrymm song
The Sea As My Grace. It serves as the perfect introduction to us and our sound.

A song they’ve been listening to a lot recently
Misery is the River of the World by Tom Waits. A great vocal influence, a wonderful song of disgust and brooding menace!

Their all-time favourite song
Throwing Cars At People by Thor! A surprising fun song that we’ve listened to pretty much before every gig to get us in the mood for chaos!!

About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: nathumphries@soundscapemagazine.com or @acidnat on twitter.