Golers – In’N’Outlaws Review

Golers In N Outlaws“Incest is best, put your closest to the test.” – Folk Saying.

If there was any doubt as to who to incriminate for music perverting youth then blame Canada. The Golers, a heady Vancouver based quartet have re-released their 2013 earhole to wet pinkie shagging album In’N’Outlaws. A pretty intense way to spend half an hour on a porch cleaning your rifle.

“Old enough the bleed; old enough to breed.” – Another Folk Saying.

Featuring vocals raucously pouring into your ears like spittle from the aforementioned wet willy, there is no pissing around with In’n’Outlaws. The title tracks lays down the punk format of the album with raw zealous thrash. It would not be complete without ceremonious solos and they are frequent throughout the album and abundantly playing around like your second-cousins kids. Happy Brutality!

Thankfully the clown was killed before he got past the monkey cleaning his gun. Leaving the party a raw shindig of polished vigor. It is a shame it is over so quickly, some of the licks and most of the riffs make re-listening to this album a necessity. If just to sniff a taste from some of Granny Golers’ Canadian Gumbo.

“Any hole is a Goler” – Not Really A Folk Saying.

Four immensely talented musicians. Fourteen tracks of music tighter than that aforementioned second-cousin. Founded on thrash and funked up by punk. In’N’Outlaws is good company.


About David Oberlin 527 Articles
David Oberlin is a composer and visual artist who loves noise more than a tidy writing space. You can often find him in your dankest nightmares or on twitter @DieSkaarj while slugging the largest and blackest coffee his [REDACTED] loyalty card can provide.