Goth – Goth Review

goth gothYou’d be forgiven if you thought Goth, the self-titled album from imaginatively named (and impossible to google) band Goth was going to be some sort of gloomy and ‘gothy’ affair but it’s far from it – in fact, it’s almost like Goth can’t quite decide what they want to do with their music.

Goth is a sporadic and jerky listen with no real flow or momentum, with the band weaving in and out of different styles and ideas from each song to the next – there’s pop, power-rock, symphonic metal, rock’n’roll, metal, electronic…and that’s just for starters. It’s difficult to connect with the release as a result, because as soon as you get into one particular element, Goth have switched to something else. It’s certainly good that they’re experimenting with different sounds but it’s just too much.

Perhaps this is supposed to be an ironically titled offering that’s supposed to make you think, but all it results in is making you think what on earth was going through Goth’s mind as they wrote and recorded this because it just doesn’t work.

Quite honestly, the best thing for Goth to do would be to go back to the drawing board and decide what they want to do with their sound because this is just a bit of a disorganised mess with no real direction or identity.


About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.