Grenouer – Unwanted Today Review

grenouer unwanted todayWe first brought Grenouer to your attention just over a year ago with a review of their previous album Blood On The Face. Well, now they’re back and gearing up to release their brand new album Unwanted Today!

It’s a little more melodic than their last offering, and the slight change in direction works well because it gives vocalist Andrey more time to shine and show off what he’s capable of. At times it feels like there’s more of a focus on the vocals than the music but it’s an approach that works in Grenouer’s favour; there’s many moments that will inevitably end up stuck in your head.

One of the strongest tracks of the album is I Can’t Stand It, a largely emotive piece that is simply begging to be sang along to. The instrumentation has a nice heavy edge to it, yet it’s also beautifully melodic – the perfect blend. There’s a lot of feeling put into all aspects of the song, from the instrumentation to the vocals, and it’s one of those tracks that you’ll keep wanting to revisit.

As a whole, Unwanted Today is another great album from Grenouer with plenty of opportunities to get involved and it certainly has the potential to propel the band into becoming a household name. Great stuff!


Grenouer: Website|Facebook|Twitter

About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.