Halo Tora – Omni\One Review

halo tora omni oneOmni\One is the latest offering from Scottish progsters Halo Tora and it’s a unique listen that requires a more detailed look rather than simply a passing glimpse. Quite simply, there’s a lot going on within this piece and it’s clear that Halo Tora is a talented bunch; the music spans across a broader amount of genres than simply just prog and the amount of emotion that is exerted in the music is truly something special.

On the outset, this is a nice little melodic piece with some interesting and complex instrumentation coupled with very expressive dual vocals, but if you dig a little deeper you soon see that it’s not just about the melody because there’s this ethereal heaviness lurking beneath the music that adds meat and body to the already thick and lush-sounding songs – to tell the truth, it helps craft it into a truly beautiful listen.

Needles is a particular highlight of the album. Beginning with a doomy introduction before the softer vocals kick in, the track then takes more of an ambient route and it makes the song all the more engaging, keeping the listener on their toes with each twist and turn that gets presented as the song progresses.

Omni\One is a timeless piece that you’ll keep wanting to revisit. A truly wonderful listen.


About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: nathumphries@soundscapemagazine.com or @acidnat on twitter.