Havok – V Review

Released on: 1th May

With a name like V you would be forgiven for thinking that this album title is a pseudonym for something unholy and thrash sounding, like Victory, Vengeance or Vasectomy, but no it is just a Latin numeral. Where the aptly titled V is the fifth album from Denver based shredders Havok. Released in May this is the true and unabridged untold story of The Revenge Of The Fifth.

You can stick that on your fret board and play it, a harmonic fifth and not a Star Wars pune or play on words, because this is as fresh sounding as the thrash during the D&D panic of the 1980’s. Devilishly so. What with its articulate riffs, pounding rhythms and fantastic lyrical concepts. This is the type of metal that makes men into Barbarians and Women into Valkyries.

V is a tight package of ritual chugging and adroit dynamics powered by a healthy does of punk energy. And is the perfect soundtrack to a lone mill in a living room. Or at least is a very rousing endeavor towards moshing like it is a gym sponsored activity. Havok have contained a great energy on this album and it is motivational to say the least.

Havok are more concise on this album compared to their previous entries. While not as flamboyant as earlier releases it shows that the band are honing their songwriting skills into a precision art. Which is also to say that there is not one single filler track on this behemothic album. Making V a worthy work to head bang to.


About David Oberlin 527 Articles
David Oberlin is a composer and visual artist who loves noise more than a tidy writing space. You can often find him in your dankest nightmares or on twitter @DieSkaarj while slugging the largest and blackest coffee his [REDACTED] loyalty card can provide.