I Divide – Last One Standing Review

Last One Standing I DivideI Divide is a band that’s been swiftly gaining momentum in the past year and their brand new album Last One Standing looks set to bring the band into the spotlight and garner a larger fanbase.

It’s a fairly strong album with plenty of sing-along tracks, with tracks like Follow Me and Run Away being particular highlights, having choruses so big you’ll be singing along to them at the top of your lungs before you know it. I Divide know how to write a memorable song and hammer it into your head because there are plenty of earworms on Last One Standing that will surely be rattling round your head for days.

However, it is the case that the band’s ‘tried and tested’ method of song writing means some of the songs are a little lacklustre. Most of the songs tend to follow the same format so as a result, there isn’t much variety and some of the tracks sound vastly similar to one another, which is a shame because it feels like there’s wasted potential.

Last One Standing is an all-round great release from the band and although it was a little
disappointing that the songs that sounded the most developed and interesting were songs that have already been floating about for over a year on their album sampler, this could well be the release that propels this band into becoming a household name.


I Divide: Facebook|Twitter

About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: nathumphries@soundscapemagazine.com or @acidnat on twitter.