Igorrr – Savage Sinusoid Review

_Igorrr - Savage SinusoidA pure unholy massacre of all that is smelt in metal and then some. With such an eclectic and complicated album such as the newest slaughter of the senses Savage Sinusoid from Igorrr you’d need a cork board, string and lots of pins to figure out where he’s going next. Igorrr is the zodiac killer of genres and instead of presenting them as nice little pigeon holes, addressed to his influences, thoroughly cuts them up and splices them into a manic but incredibly coherent statements. Albums with songwriters like this prove the existence of music.

Igorrr goes beyond music and provides a nexus of pop and classical styles and having been doing this since 2006 is exponentially proficient in crafting these crazy musical diatribes that the new album transcends all that has gone before and without samples. Which when you listen to the lateral distortion parsed through the effects channel gives an extra dimension of how finely tuned but human this record is. It’s outstanding to say the least.

There’s not going to be a run down of what Gautier Serre and company have incorporated into Savage Sinusoid because, well, it’s just too darn good to cherry pick into respective bits. However with that being said this is definitely not an album to randomly walk in on. With so many different methods of expression being called upon you can only get the true sense of what’s developing by hearing it whole. Otherwise your ‘WHAT THE FUCK’ defense mechanism might activate by way of surprise.

With awesome downtuned riffs and glorious passages fit for hosannas, electronic and alien clicks with a dark age twist Savage Sinusoid is a Gothic masterpiece. An album that will take you through a tumult of dark and almost humorous emotions. Culminating in an experience that’s one of a kind that you can play over and over again. Igorrr is like a crash course in music history from the 2077 curriculum and Savage Sinusoid is the Rosetta stone of recorded music.


About David Oberlin 527 Articles
David Oberlin is a composer and visual artist who loves noise more than a tidy writing space. You can often find him in your dankest nightmares or on twitter @DieSkaarj while slugging the largest and blackest coffee his [REDACTED] loyalty card can provide.