In The Woods… – Cease The Day Review

Released on: 23rd November 2018

In The Woods!!! The three exclamation marks the result of a) excitement and b) predictive text replacing the demure ‘…’ that typically follows the bands name but still a welcome assumption towards the groups latest and greatest album Cease The Day. A merciless blend of pop chords in sombre tones, catchy riffs in saucy timbres and dark, romantic lyrics; Composed like Mike Oldfield on DMT. Get ready to be carried away by a diabolical moonlight shadow.

A prog rock underdog In the Woods… have avoided much of the pomp that the genre entails. Instead maintaining a down to earth approach to their extreme metal infused prog music by keeping things simple on their musical journey. No wanky solos and no fifteen minute ambiance/build ups. All which surmise into no bullshit.

Cease The Day is upfront and transparent, and its tension is earned. Earned not by denying the listener part(s) of the song but by playing with the prediction on what form the evolution of the riffs will take. It’s an intuitive approach to song writing and it works to astounding results. Creating an interesting and engaging journey that weaves its songs into a grander picture filled with colour. And as far as contrasts go the dynamic changes that are present give this album realistic emotional depth.

However once pioneers of avant-garde metal In The Woods… haven’t ventured into any new territory here. With Cease The Day sitting firmly within the bands comfort zone found in their familiar tones. And while that’s perfectly acceptable it’s not as innovative now as it was say twenty years ago. Yet while this release is not pioneering its intuitive spirit is ageless and a pleasure to behold.


About David Oberlin 527 Articles
David Oberlin is a composer and visual artist who loves noise more than a tidy writing space. You can often find him in your dankest nightmares or on twitter @DieSkaarj while slugging the largest and blackest coffee his [REDACTED] loyalty card can provide.