Innerwish – Innerwish Review

inner wishInnerwish is like living dangerously. A real heart breaker. There’s so much impending doom spread over this album that it’s hard to believe  As the lyrical content seems intent on pandering to a mass-market paperback audience, listening to its mantra is cringe worthy. Power metal is a medium reserved for fantasy and romanticism and Innerwish attempt both.

With deliberation this album sounds strained and anxious. It may have to do with the secular inspiration behind the concept of the album which promotes religious indoctrination and masochism as familiar territory. It’s a shame that Muhammad would probably listen to hip-hop. Through it’s emphatic language the attempts to rally esteem in pseudo-politics imply a greater relationship to an understanding that it expects you to know – if this album was to explore less ambiguous themes it would make a greater impact as a narrative.

Although the music may do everything right it’s common knowledge not to judge a book by its cover or a game by it’s music.  Instrumentally this fifth album is technically brilliant and captures the spirit of mature cheddar perfectly, but the grain is unironically a thing of the past.  Also in appropriating sheep clothing Innerwish run with the fools. Churning out the same pious tales that mass-media implicates as values serves only to diminish this concert of guitars, spinning rhythms that compliment the vocals but not the lyrics. Is it bible Djent?


About David Oberlin 527 Articles
David Oberlin is a composer and visual artist who loves noise more than a tidy writing space. You can often find him in your dankest nightmares or on twitter @DieSkaarj while slugging the largest and blackest coffee his [REDACTED] loyalty card can provide.