Interview with Nanowar of Steel

Photo: Valerio Fea

We went behind the algorithm and spoke to Gatto Panceri 666 from Nanowar of Steel.

Hi Gatto and Nanowar of Steel, how are you?

Hi David, we are half of what we would be if we were twice as happy as we are now!

What is new on Dislike to False Metal, your fifth album?

The album title, the cover, the year of release… lots of stuff!

Scientifically speaking, most elements in the periodic table are metals. What metals are you not fond of?

We are not fond of those with a very high atomic number (e.g. Pu, Th, Ce) because they are rare, toxic and hard to produce within the cores of exploding supernovae. We like to keep it simple, and prefer the metals that maximize the binding energy in the semi empirical Bethe-Weiszacker formula (e.g. Fe.)


“It would go SALSA and bankrupt…


Part entertainment and part social commentary the new album has got a lot of tongue, and groove. Can you give me a breakdown of what Dislike to False Metal means to you?

It means: new album, new tour, new pics to post on social media and new interviews asking about the meaning of the new album for us.

If you could steer metal in a nu-direction where would it go?

It would go SALSA and bankrupt, but at least we would finally see more girls at shows

Thank you for your time.

Thank you for your space!

About David Oberlin 529 Articles
David Oberlin is a composer and visual artist who loves noise more than a tidy writing space. You can often find him in your dankest nightmares or on twitter @DieSkaarj while slugging the largest and blackest coffee his [REDACTED] loyalty card can provide.