Interview With Heidevolk


Ahead of their great show in London, we sat down with Jacco and Lars – the two lead vocalists of Heidevolk – for a chat. See what we asked and get involved below!

So you’re currently on tour with Equilibrium, Finsterforst and Nothgard. How’s it all been going so far?
Jacco: It’s going great. We’re having a very good time and we’ve just made it across the channel for today!

Hopefully no delays this time? I remember the last time I saw Equilibrium in London – they got held up for ages at border control!
Jacco: Well, we didn’t really have any delays, but we had to make the border crossing quite early, so we all had to wake up and show our passports at some ridiculous time.
Lars: The crossing was actually pretty quick but it was a long wait for the ferry and of course when you get woken up at 6am, it kind of breaks your sleep.

It’s been about six years since my last Heidevolk show. What’s changed since then, aside from just the lineup?
Jacco: Well I think the lineup is of course the biggest change, or at least the one that has the most impact.
Lars: The thought behind Heidevolk hasn’t changed, so I think we’re just picking up where the rest left off, so I guess not much has changed in that respect.

What’s been the best show on the tour so far?
Jacco: I’m inclined to say the show yesterday, because it was our home turf. But we’ve had some amazing audiences on the tour so far. I mean, basically every place we’ve gone was rocking and loud!
Lars: We had some smaller gigs outside of Germany, in Hungary and Poland, which were pretty fun with a smaller crowd, but they were still incredibly wild! And the bigger shows in Germany were great too. It seems like there aren’t any crowds where they’re just watching – they’re always involved!

Well that’s good. I guess it feels a lot better when everyone in the room is having a great time and moving about!
Jacco: That’s basically what Heidevolk is all about – having a great big party with everyone!
Lars: And of course, like he said, the gig yesterday was on home turf so that’s a bit of an extra boost. We don’t play the Netherlands that much, so when we do play there it’s like every fan from the Netherlands is there!

Any interesting tour stories to report?
Jacco: Hmm…
(everyone laughs)
Jacco: Well, I guess some things that happen on tour should stay on the tour bus!
Lars: I’m having trouble remembering anything.
Jacco: Well I can’t really help, as I’m usually one of the boring ones going back to the bus to sleep! I tend to miss all of the drunken stuff!
Lars: There’s not really been anything notable so far. We’ve just been partying, having fun and drinking! Lots of drinking. There’s not been any big accidents yet, so-
Jacco: I managed to fall face-flat on the floor at the third gig of the tour.
Lars: How did you do that?
Jacco: I tripped over a loose microphone cable, or something like that. But I lost my balance and just fell flat on the floor.

But you’re okay now? Just bruised pride?
Jacco: Yeah, I suppose that’s a good way to sum it up!
Lars: On the plus side at least it isn’t like our last European tour, where Rowan broke his foot and didn’t realise he’d broken it, and thought it was just bruised – so he actually played a couple of gigs with a broken foot.

Hardcore! Moving on, are you currently working on any new material?
Jacco: Indeed we are! We’re planning on recording a new record with the new lineup.
Lars: We’re already in the demoing phase.

How’s the songwriting going so far? Is there a different dynamic with new people, or is it the same as it’s always been?
Lars: It’s more like…we mostly try to get the same ‘feel’, as we don’t want to alienate our audience or anything. So this is going to be a continuation of our older material, but it’s a step in a new direction.
Jacco: And of course, you also have different members bringing different stuff to the table, so we’re finding out what everyone’s strengths are, and what they can add.
Lars: But we can guarantee it will sound like authentic Heidevolk!

img_20161003_195246948Onto some more random or quick-fire questions, if you could choose an animal to represent the band, what would you choose?
Jacco: Good one, good one! (laughs)
Lars: I’d say a wolf.
Jacco: Yeah, that’s the first thing that came to my mind as well! I really hope it comes back to the wild.
Lars: We’ve been missing the wolf in our nature for some time now. But yeah, I like the wolf because it’s caring, but at other times it can be ferocious!

If there was going to be a film released about Heidevolk, what actors would you want to play yourselves?
Jacco: That’s a good one, but I’m not really up to par with actors, or actor’s names to be honest! I’m having a very hard time thinking of the perfect actor for me.
Lars: I think I would have to say…well, if I just went by my favourite actor at the moment it would be Robert Downey JR. But he’d have to gain some weight! Either him, or Edward Norton because he can play anything – but I don’t know if that’s a good match! Basically an actor who can play any role. Y’know, those character actors that can get really into shape or out of shape depending on what’s needed! (laughs)
Jacco: Oh, in that case, can I choose Jack Black?!
Lars: But he’d be a closer match for me!
Jacco: I suppose, yeah…

If Heidevolk could put their name to a product, what would it be?
Jacco: Beer.
Lars: Or mead. Yeah, mead or a mead-beer. Basically an alcoholic drink of some sort!
Jacco: It would absolutely have to be something alcoholic!
Lars: There is actually a beer that exists called Heidelbeere, and it’s made with heather. And I tasted it, and it’s really good. But so far on the Heidevolk front, we don’t have any actual products. Yet!
Jacco: Who knows what we have in store for the future…!

When you’re a world-famous band that can demand to have anything on their rider, what would you want?
Lars: …A hotel every day.
Jacco: I think you could see the desperation in his eyes when he said that!

Are you tour-bussing it for this tour then?
Lars: Yes. It’s a bus with a lot of different people and I am a solitary animal. So if we go really big, I’d just say a hotel! So I can have my alone time.

If Heidevolk was a box of doughnuts, what flavour would each member be represented by?
(Everyone laughs)
Jacco: I think I would be a vanilla one, as that would be a flavour I’d eat.
Lars: I would have to be chocolate. Because I fucking love chocolate. (laughs) I guess I don’t really need to put any more thought into it than that!
Jacco: What about the other members?
Lars: I think…could we have rum and raisin flavour? That would be the one for Joost.
Jacco: And maybe for Rowan, we could have something wine-infused.
Lars: Wine-infused doughnuts…wow.
Jacco: I have no idea if it would be any good, but it would fit him!
Lars: And Kevin Storm would be sprinkles. One of those doughnuts with the sprinkles on top. Either chocolate or disco…it doesn’t really matter. The other Kevin would be…cheese. Yeah, cheese!
Jacco: I don’t know if he likes doughnuts, anyway.
Lars: I don’t even know if he likes cheese, but he’s a cheesy guy! So he can be a cheesy doughnut.

Great choices! So for my last question, what’s in store for Heidevolk for 2017?
Jacco: Well, as well as recording, I think there’s going to be a lot of shows. And maybe some other projects that we won’t be disclosing right now.
Lars: It’s a dubstep album.
(Everyone laughs)
Lars: But seriously, we’ll be working on our new album and touring. I’m not quite sure what tours we have planned yet, but of course we will be taking the album out on the road.
Jacco: And we want to play live as often as we can.

About Natalie Humphries 1929 Articles
Soundscape's editor. Can usually be found at a gig, and not always in the UK. Contact: or @acidnat on twitter.